For every beginning

Context is the first and most visited real estate portal in Romania. It includes the largest database of offers in all real estate categories nationwide. In addition, it is the main provider of real estate data and statistics for the business press in Romania, constantly communicating the evolution of the real estate market. But is also a seamless experience that helps clients get closer to their dream home.

During the discovery stage of Perception Engineering™, we found out that searching for, finding, buying and moving into the ideal home is a looooong journey full of unforeseen obstacles.

It’s a hassle and it's a costly one. 

We positioned as the home experts, a company that has built market expertise and a portfolio of business partners (developers), but also a suite of tools to help clients reach their dream home in the safest and smoothest way possible.


We developed the new brand identity - logo and identity system, keeping the brands iconic symbols and following the brand positioning: a human-centric brand, that helps people find their one ideal home.
