What is it and why you need it
Perception Engineering™ for Tech Companies
“We spend all our life seeing this side of the moon”
Tech companies spend nearly all of their time working on Product Engineering, as opposed to Perception Engineering
“Build it and they’ll come” …they say
The popular mantra in the Valley & most of the tech industry worldwide. And then you spend years of your life building it. And they don’t.

75% of venture-backed companies fail to return any cash to their investors
Source: Fundera
In most categories, there are a lot of technically decent products. If all good good products were successful, they would all have identical market shares. They don’t. Actually, a lot of tech companies go bankrupt selling good products.
9x more tech companies fail because of Perception-related issues than Product-related issues
Source: Failory.com
‘No product-market fit’ and ‘Marketing problems’ = managing the way people perceive value. If it wasn’t so, in each vertical the leader would have the best technology. Often they don’t. Because it’s about how we perceive value.
Perception Engineering is
how we feel about things
Companies that recognize the importance of Perception Engineering, realize they need to change. But nobody likes change. We like to talk about change. We like to tell others to change. But we don’t like change.
They call it ‘comfort zone’ for a reason.
Change is uncomfortable. It’s painful. It’s crucial.

Perception Engineering is the methodology designed to produce Change, in a holistic & strategic way
If it’s not holistic, it will only have a limited impact. If it’s not strategic, it will only have a temporary impact.
Change needs to grow deep roots.
And Perception Engineering makes it possible.