
Positioning and branding for your digital accountant.


ContaPFA was working on a subscription-based app that offers digital accounting services for freelancers.

In Romania, this means that an app replaces bureaucracy, queues and unpleasant exchanges with state employees, digitizing a service that has been the same for the last 40 years.

Heraldist was requested to develop its brand positioning and brand identity.

Strategic Approach

When auditing the context for the brand positioning, we discovered that a freelancer needs to deal with a lot of different entities to set up a business. And usually, the freelancers’ profile is in a completely different world to the legal, commercial and accounting world, making the whole process a nerve wracking one.

The service app developed by ContaPFA is offering a one stop shop for freelancers, from registering to administrating and keeping the accounts in order long term.

So it was easy to call it: Solo, your digital accountant.

We wanted the identity to reflect both the uncertainty of the freelancer dealing with administrative stuff and the simple, friendly, intuitive solution that Solo offers.

Branding Approach

After the strategic work on positioning the brand, we developed the entire identity system and created UI guidelines for the app.



