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The soul-searching journey continues

Created by Carl Jung in 1919

A word coined by Jung to describe common ideas and images that occur across culture. Not only abstract ideas but specific “imprints” hardwired into our psyches and influencing the different roles we take in life.


The $136B Hollywood & the $155B gaming industry love archetypes

Most of the films and games nowadays are archetypal. And some of the most successful companies in the world


From Nordic mythology to Star Wars, archetypes are everywhere

These archetypes provide meaning to events in our lives. They are easily identifiable when examining our myths, fairy tales, literature, art and religious exposition. They play out in popular culture through iconic figures and stories in real life and in film.


Archetypes are shortcuts to our soul. They are universal and fundamental.

Archetypes are a universal timeless shortcut to our deepest hopes and fears, our inner needs and drivers. From our earliest childhood we imprint and respond to these archetypal stories they provide us with a moral and social framework.

Therefore, the meaning of a brand can be communicated quickly by evoking a story or concept that calls forth the viewer's instinctive recognition of a fundamental, recognizable and resonant truth.


The archetype is the Soul of your city, takes your time to find it, it’s forever

Successful organizations spend months analyzing the internal culture, the external context and the most relevant human needs before deciding on the right archetype for them.


Your archetype is what makes your city unique and special and it’s why people are attracted to the city

Authenticity. Differentiation. Relevance. The 3 checkpoints. People are attracted to archetypes that give them what they are craving for - e.g. more fun, appreciation or control -, rather than simply reflect what they are experiencing.

Each archetype responds to a universal, fundamental human need.


Let’s see an example



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