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Cincinnati Over-The-Rhine: Branding



City of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH



Branding, Place Marketing


Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati. One of the largest, most intact urban historic districts in America. A place with a lot of history, that needs a visual identity that makes all that history relevant both for visitors and locals.


Heraldist & Wondermarks created an innovative identity design system, where the main element of the logo - the iconic “Music Hall” - stays the same, but the other buildings and icons around it can change, depending on who’s using it.

If you’re a cafe owner in a historical building, you’ll get a logo where your building appears on the official logo. If you’re living on a different street, close to the park, you’ll get a logo that reflects the identity of that area.


Flags and billboards, business cards and branded stationery, apps and merchandise, the new brand identity looks just as great on any material.

The new identity was reflecting not only the classical elegance of the historic district but also the young, creative spirit of the place.

Probably one of the most innovative identity systems in America, based on the concept created by Heraldist & Wondermarks.

⬆ A dynamic identity, that can include different buildings and icons, depending on who’s using it

⬆ A dynamic identity, that can include different buildings and icons, depending on who’s using it

⬆ The new identity is based on the most iconic building in Cincinnati: the Music Hall

⬆ The new identity is based on the most iconic building in Cincinnati: the Music Hall

⬆ The new identity, created by Heraldist & Wondermarks
⬆ The new identity, created by Heraldist & Wondermarks
⬆ Photo session organized by Heraldist & Wondermarks for “Swan Lake”, the show that was going to launch the new brand identity
⬆ Launching the new brand identity

⬆ Launching the new brand identity

⬆ Merchandise based on the new logo

⬆ Merchandise based on the new logo

⬆ The new Over-the-Rhine app

⬆ The new Over-the-Rhine app