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Electric Castle: Rain Or Shine



Electric Castle Festival

Transylvania, Romania



Campaign, Place Marketing, Web Development


One of the coolest festivals in Europe, Electric Castle wanted to give something back to the community that gave it so much - it wanted to help the people of Bontida (RO), the Transylvanian village where the festival took place.

And Heraldist & Wondermarks got the challenge to come up with an idea that can both make a difference and make the festival more visible.


For 7 years in a row, the festival has always been ‘blessed’ with rain. And mud. A lot of mud.

Because it was almost like a running gag that “It will rain at EC”, we wanted to take that attitude and put it to better use. We created a platform that allowed people to bet on what the weather will be like.

Will it Rain or Shine this year at Electric Castle? Cast your vote right now.


People could vote and win cool merchandising created particularly for this campaign, with all sales going to helping children in the village access education.

A cool thing with a good heart.

⬆ Probably one of the most unconventional logo for a European philharmonic. The logo is a visual representation of two elements: the predominantly alpine landscape of Transylvania and the shape of a sound wave
⬆ Seven years of Electric Castle and not a single one without heavy rain and lots and lot of mud                     © 100 nights of summer

⬆ Seven years of Electric Castle and not a single one without heavy rain and lots and lot of mud © 100 nights of summer

⬆ The website created by Heraldist & Wondermarks presents the most interesting sites in Alba Iulia
⬆ Outdoor campaign that celebrates the rebranding