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The National Opera: Rebranding & Campaign



The National Opera

Transylvania, Romania



Rebranding, Cultural Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Community, Place Marketing


The National Opera in Cluj was already making efforts to connect with a younger audience. But the visual identity was still anchored in the last century. Heraldist & Wondermarks brought a new perspective.


Although most cultural institutions use a representation of the building as a logo, Heraldist went the opposite way and designed a logo inspired by the interior of the building, capturing the subjective perspective of the artist, the perspective of the hall as seen from the stage.


The new identity was launched with a guerrilla marketing campaign that was seen by more than 1M people, without having to spend a single cent on media budget. Now that’s a campaign people really want to see.

⬆ Before the rebranding

⬆ Before the rebranding

⬆ The new identity, created by Heraldist & Wondermarks

⬆ The new identity, created by Heraldist & Wondermarks

⬆ This concept has been inspired by the artist’s perspective

⬆ This concept has been inspired by the artist’s perspective

⬆ The new website of the National Opera is aligned to the new identity

⬆ The new website of the National Opera is aligned to the new identity

⬆ The new identity, created by Heraldist & Wondermarks
⬆ Photo session organized by Heraldist & Wondermarks for “Swan Lake”, the show that was going to launch the new brand identity

⬆ Photo session organized by Heraldist & Wondermarks for “Swan Lake”, the show that was going to launch the new brand identity

⬆ Outdoor campaign that celebrates the rebranding
⬆ The new posters are now aligned to the new visual identity of the brand

⬆ The new posters are now aligned to the new visual identity of the brand

⬆ Guerrilla marketing campaign

⬆ Guerrilla marketing campaign


⬆ Guerrilla marketing campaign, meant to attract a young audience to the opera. More than 1M people have seen this campaign online or on the national news. Total media budget spent? Zero