How do you get a creative education

If you’re aiming to become one of the world’s best creatives, there are a few things you can do:

A. Universities

You can choose a college with a good Creative Studies program. But most of your professors will be theoreticians, rather than people with actual experience in the creative industries. Most programs are full-time and will require your permanent on-campus presence. You will be stuck for 3-5 years in one place, with limited employment opportunities. It can be great, but it’s not for everyone. If you already have a job in a creative company, the last thing you want is to give up your current job and go back to school.

B. Portfolio schools

Some of them are really good. Their trainers are usually senior creatives with relevant experience in the creative industries. But the good schools do require on-campus presence, even if it’s just for 6 months. And they tend to be very expensive. They’re great if you’re young, looking for your first creative job and your parents can afford to pay $10k-$30k per year. But if you already have a job and you simply want to boost your creative skills, or if you’re young and looking for a creative gig but can’t afford the bill, portfolio schools might not be an option.

C. Online courses

You can find a whole bunch of online courses about creativity. Most of them are cheap of even free. But they’re not live, they tend to be a bit generic, they’re not interactive, and therefore, not that engaging; you end up watching videos where people talk about creativity. Soon, you’ll get bored and, ultimately, give up. Luckily, you can also find a couple of specialized creativity courses, but they tend to cost about $1.000 for one or two days of training. If you want to be a great creative, you need to practice with a professional trainer regularly; and that can get very expensive.

If none of them works for you, maybe you should give St.Brendan’s a try: our professors are accomplished creatives, with decades of international experience. You don’t need to quit your job or your college to study at St.Brendan’s. Live, online sessions with some of the world’s best creative minds. It doesn’t cost a fortune to study at St.Brendan’s: it’s only €̶6̶0̶ €29⁹⁹ per session. A 1-hour pro session per week is enough to keep your creative muscle trained. You can start anytime, you can stop anytime, you can restart anytime. You get access to a global network of St.Brendan’s students, alumni & professors. If your work is great, our professors may recommend you for a creative gig or job.


The alternative you’ve been waiting for is here: St.Brendan’s Creative School


⚓ Our professors are accomplished creatives, with decades of international experience.

⚓ You don’t need to quit your job or your college to study at St.Brendan’s.

⚓ Live, online sessions with some of the world’s best creative minds.

⚓ It doesn’t cost a fortune to study at St.Brendan’s: it’s only €60 €29⁹⁹ per session.

⚓ A 1-hour pro session per week is enough to keep your creative muscle trained.

⚓ You can start anytime, you can stop anytime, you can restart anytime.

⚓ You get access to a global network of St.Brendan’s students, alumni & professors.

⚓ If your work is great, our professors may recommend you for a creative gig or job.


St.Brendan, a school for Explorers


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