ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin

How To Escape The Age Of The Average

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. Increasingly capable of doing almost anything, from content writing to logo design and advertising ideas, AI has what it takes to do some of our jobs even in this technological stage where there’s still a lot of space for improvement.

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ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin

When Branding Turns Bad

“Bad communication” can happen to anyone. Sometimes it’s just simply inevitable to avoid mistakes. Every startup and tech company dreams of creating a brand identity that resonates with its audience and makes them stand out in the crowd.

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ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin

Nobody Said It Was Easy 

Getting your product to stand out is about communication. It’s also about much more: like having a plan, creating a strategy, defining your values, taking care of your image, or knowing when and how to act.

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