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Why Managing Perception Matters?

Why does managing perception matter? Because it’s half of your success mix, next to your product or service. How your audience perceives can make or break your brand. Find out more from Mirela’s article below.

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ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin

Managing Perception - Why Bother?

The best product is not always the most successful product.

The product that is perceived to be the best is the most successful.

Despite consistent evidence showing that across industries, the focus of most tech startup founders is building the best product.

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ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin

The Startup Founder’s Syndrome

The Startup Founder’s Syndrome shows early signs from the very beginning. At first, they need to get involved in every little aspect of the business because they need to be in the know.

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