The Art of Brand Naming: Tips and Best Practices

Welcome to the advertising era, here’s your short, most relevant recap: storytelling is still king. 

In the golden digital age that we are living in, marketing has taught us more and more over the last decade about how important it is to develop a strong narrative when building your brand. 

No doubt that each of you reading this right now have a favorite brand out there. What makes it your favorite? Is it its name? Logo? Or what it stands for?

But before getting ahead of ourselves, let’s start with what actually starts the life of any brand: its name. Choosing the right name for your brand is no easy task - we’ve been there. A name that is short, memorable, alive, with a strong personality while conveying the essence of your brand. #nopressure.

We know the pressure, and if you’re keen on naming your brand yourself, first, good for you! And second, here’s a short list of tips and best practices to help you find the right one. Trust us, it’s an art. So here they are. 

Tips & best practices for a memorable brand name

#1 Start with the universe your brand exists in & think big. 

That means to have in mind, when mentally browsing for brand names, to design a connection to the essence of your business - whether it’s the industry, area of activity, use of your product, or any other angle. Connections matter in the ecosystem of your brand’s existence. So start by establishing the first one and what the criteria are for designing your name. 

#2 Storytelling in one brand name.

Storytelling is also about connections. Take Nike, for example, its story presents us a journey of achievements in the athletic world. Story-driven names use metaphors and references, like Nike. Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. And if you take a look at the history of this brand, you’ll see that every little communication piece always builds back to what the brand means and stands for. 

#3 Dare to be as simple or disruptive as you feel like.

Disrupting brand names can truly make an impact, of course, with a strong foundation or strategy behind it. Modern, intriguing names give a variety of directions, and they're great for companies that want to think & live outside the box.

#4 Always check back on simplicity.

Once you found a name you resonate with, be sure to check: is it simple to spell/ write/ be remembered? Is it unique? Does it convey an emotion or is it witty? Memorable? User-friendly? International? All these are part of the best recipe that can ensure a long-lasting, successful name.

#5 Make sure you have brand consistency.

The name should look and sound great alongside the rest of your branding: logos, taglines, slogans, so keep in mind that whatever name you find, it needs the ability to be translated into your visual ID also.

Happy name-hunting for your brand. May you be as inspired as your favorite brand back when it named itself! 

By Ioana Hurjui


Innovative Architecture And Design Solutions


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