The Roadmap For Building A Successful Brand On TikTok

Welcome back to 2022 - the thriving era of video content sovereignty. With TikTok’s takeover of Social Media, brands were sure to follow soon after, giving us today the opportunity to value video entertainment at a new peak.

But getting back to business. We all know, heard, and seen some good pieces of TikTok content somewhere. But how does it work for your brand, specifically? To many advertising clients, video is still a bit scary in terms of commitment, so we figured a short, snackable guide through the works and wonders of TikTok might shed some light and comfort. 

Here goes.

How to build your brand with TokTok for dummies. 

#1 Use Analytics and ride the trends. 

TikTok offers a valuable set of analytics tools for Pro accounts, so might as well make good use of them to see insights on who is watching and sharing your videos. If users like and interact with them, then TikTok will open it up for viewing to more and more people. 

#2 Check for brand awareness & engagement.

That’s the centrepiece of your content. Brand essence combined with the power of TikTok features and trends can make for a great recipe.

#3 Make your own brand face filters and lenses. 

Similar to Snapchat, TikTok allows brands to create their own filters. They permit users to add them to their own content, and the more it;s used, the more popular it gets. Just remember to add your brand identity to it.

#4 Hashtag challenges are huge.

No hashtag, no glory. You can participate in all the trendy # challenges existent out there, but why not make your own? It will give traction to your brand in no time. 

#5 Viral music.

TikTok trends a lot of amazing new music, but we also encourage you to make your own to add to your video content. It can go viral if more users add it to their videos and use your brand hashtag.

#6 Team up with influencers.

TikTok stars are a big thing and influencers thrive in their communities here. Partner up with the right ones and make your brand standout in a smart, appealing manner to a wider audience.

#7 Be your own brand.

TikTok is an amazing medium to make your brand heard and seen in snackable, insightful and ease-to-make video content bits. People value this kind of entertainment for the lightheartedness it brings, so don’t be afraid to create, experiment, be silly, be vulnerable, in terms of your brand. 

It’s time to hit Record. Ready?

By Ioana Hurjui


Meet Adam


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