NEWS Scarlett Hnin NEWS Scarlett Hnin

The Beginning of an Ambitious Partnership

It’s been an undecided month in terms of weather, but full of exciting plans and projects. One of them in particular is the partnership for growth and development we embarked on alongside Rofintech, the Romanian fintech association.

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ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin

Managing Perception - Why Bother?

The best product is not always the most successful product.

The product that is perceived to be the best is the most successful.

Despite consistent evidence showing that across industries, the focus of most tech startup founders is building the best product.

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ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin ARTICLE Scarlett Hnin

Nobody Said It Was Easy 

Getting your product to stand out is about communication. It’s also about much more: like having a plan, creating a strategy, defining your values, taking care of your image, or knowing when and how to act.

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