Ya Gotta See The Baby!

As an entrepreneur myself, proud to have taken that leap of faith many moons ago, jumping from a well-paid corporate life to the abyss of creating a consultancy business, I often wonder if people around do see the “wonderfulness” of what my company has built (talent or product). 

Having spent most of my waking hours building and crafting and operationalizing and investing and reinvesting in what has become “my baby” for the last eight years or so, I can only imagine it is the most beautiful baby in the world. And how could that not be, since I have given it some of the best years of my life (no regrets!), a few grey hairs, and sleepless nights, all fuelled by the unshakeable belief that this will last forever, evolving and transforming, of course, as babies/businesses do? For sure the world must see it the way I see it!

Here’s a founders’ bias for ya, right there.

When we start building a product or a business, many times sacrificing something on the way, in the attempt to change the world, conquer unfound land, or simply hope to get stinky rich, we rarely think about how the world truly perceives us. We just assume they see what we see. The amazing technologies we put behind that innovative product. The exquisite talent we fought to have in our team. The visionaries and company culture tickle our little feet when starting every working day. The unique product edge that sure nobody else in the whole wide world (and a couple of universes along the way) possesses. 

When in truth, the world is way too busy with their own struggles & joys, to even give us a moment’s notice. Pretty much the same way we are too engrossed in what we do, with our challenges & opportunities, to notice many things happening around us. 

So when the world doesn’t seem to see us, and our supercalifragilisticexpialidocious product or business, what do we do?

We start creating stories about the company, the product, the culture & mission, and many other wonderful things we want the world to catch sight of.

People love stories. Good ones. Exciting ones. Emotional ones. Based-on-real-life that one-can-relate-to ones.

Stories that can be told through a name and a well-crafted logo.

Stories that can be written in a blog article or in a video that will give you goosebumps. 

Endless stories that will push the right buttons for the right audience we want & deserve.

Stories that will make people wanna see the baby.

And that’s building perception.

By Elena Hurjui


Nobody Said It Was Easy 


About working with ”unicorns” and creatives from across the world with Cuneyt Büyükbezci, Board Member Heraldist