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We use Perception Engineering not only to help start-ups grow but also to enjoy #startuplife. On that note, Heraldist's team has developed the brand strategy, brand identity, and collaterals to help launch Nordensa.

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Signs You Need Help With Brand Strategy

Brand strategy isn’t very different from a good relationship, when done right - it’s based on a meaningful connection, and coherent communication. Take a few more insightful notes on how to create your brand-customer narrative below from our Brand Strategist, Manuela Dospina.

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Managing Perception - Why Bother?

The best product is not always the most successful product.

The product that is perceived to be the best is the most successful.

Despite consistent evidence showing that across industries, the focus of most tech startup founders is building the best product.

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Nobody Said It Was Easy 

Getting your product to stand out is about communication. It’s also about much more: like having a plan, creating a strategy, defining your values, taking care of your image, or knowing when and how to act.

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