Product Value Proposition


Many startups come up with a product value proposition that might be correct but it often lacks two crucial things: it is not rooted in a powerful insight about the consumer and it is not expressed in a memorable way. It might not sound like a lot, but often it’s the difference between bankruptcy and greatness.


  • 3 value proposition options, based on one perceptual map

  • Audit: Category, Competition, Client & Company

  • Strategic direction and project management


  • Product Value Proposition gets to the essence of your product/service, expressed in a way that is relevant for your customers and different from your competitors.


Let's talk

Many startups come up with a product value proposition that might be correct but it often lacks two crucial things: it is not rooted in a powerful insight about the consumer and it is not expressed in a memorable way. It might not sound like a lot, but often it’s the difference between bankruptcy and greatness.


  • 3 value proposition options, based on one perceptual map

  • Audit: Category, Competition, Client & Company

  • Strategic direction and project management


  • Product Value Proposition gets to the essence of your product/service, expressed in a way that is relevant for your customers and different from your competitors.


Many startups come up with a product value proposition that might be correct but it often lacks two crucial things: it is not rooted in a powerful insight about the consumer and it is not expressed in a memorable way. It might not sound like a lot, but often it’s the difference between bankruptcy and greatness.


  • 3 value proposition options, based on one perceptual map

  • Audit: Category, Competition, Client & Company

  • Strategic direction and project management


  • Product Value Proposition gets to the essence of your product/service, expressed in a way that is relevant for your customers and different from your competitors.