🎶 All we want for Christmas is…

…for you to read this post.

And peace on Earth.
And an end to hunger.
And no more poverty.
And more trees.
And more videos of cats.
And an ability to hug random people on the street (not that we’d do that, but it would still be great to know we could).
And... even more creativity in the world than before.

Heading into the cosy month of December, when food’s aplenty, we can safely say we’ve already packed in a few… projects.

We’ve helped the amazing people at Wirtek, the Danish IT outsourcing company, grow their brand presence. A new chapter in the company’s growth, they were looking for a way to not only show their expertise, but actually express their personality (they’re really really kind). With a strong strategy and rebrand, we built a new image for Wirtek – one that is current, personable and effective. It’s a new relationship we’re really excited to see grow in the following year.

At Heraldist we never get tired of coming up with new ways to help clients, so his month has also seen the birth of a new PR product that looks to improve one of the most important aspects of any brand: its reputation. World, meet Reputation Engineering by Heraldist! Clients can ask for a brand analysis, we give one in 3 days tops, and (best bit!) clients only have to pay if they choose to implement one of our proposals. We believe that the more clients and brands get the help they’re looking for, the better the (brand) world will be. Talk about the spirit of Christmas! 🎅


And because you can never have too many ways to use creativity to help, we’ve also launched the Heraldist Cities initiative. Led by our main man Adrian Docea, this initiative is looking to give cities (and regions and even nations) the chance to be their very own brand. An accredited EU urban brand strategies expert, inspired by his work with European cities, as well as with successful startups from Europe and Silicon Valley, Adrian knows what he’s talking about. That’s how he turned Alba Iulia, a small city in an Eastern European country, into the first city in the region with a strong, long lasting brand strategy. We believe anyone can achieve greatness, no matter how small, and our continuously improved methodology is the way to do it. Because a city is more than just ‘a city’. It’s a living breathing brand. Adrian is already leading workshops with 8 cities in Europe with the City-as-a-Startup methodology. We basically want to make cities great again. But this time, in the right way (ifyouknowwhatweresayin’ 👀 ).


We’ve got a bit left of what has been a crazy year. But we can say we’ve made some pretty cool stuff nonetheless. So we can’t complain (too much). Have a good time finding amazing gifts for your loved ones, and we’ll see you in a month!


Will Awdry, from an account man to a brilliant copywriter


S-P O’Mahony, Heraldist’s COO, on the road again