A pinch of creativity


The employer asked me to (not #metoo) write something because we don’t do enough self-promo. I told him that our work should be the best self-promo and he asked me, at this point, to work harder and write more (because I’m the only one in the agency not able to photoshop stuff).

“- Ok, I said, what should I write about? Should I go personal and write about my things, gambling, betting, following .ru sites and fishing? ”

“- Well, it should be about us or about creativity, not about your shit. We are a creative agency after all. That’s how we pay bills and get drunk in the weekends, isn’t it?”

He was right.

Now, after a week and just a few hours before the deadline, I have no idea what to write about. That’s why I’m gonna recycle one of my employer’s ideas. When I asked him what is creativity about, he answered me that creativity surrounds us. Everything that makes our lives better, easier, and more beautiful. Creativity could be a joke, a smart headline, an app, a law, a gadget. Everything could be and should be creative.

Now, think at the people that don’t work in, so-called, fields of creativity. For them, creative stuff is what artists do. Things they don’t understand and have the impression they can’t do. Because they were told so and because they never tried. First of all, creativity begins where “I can’t” ends. If you are afraid of being creative, you’ll never be creative. If you think you’re too dumb to be creative, maybe you are. But also, if you dare to throw yourself into creativity, you have every chance to succeed.

Until a few years ago, I never cooked. My mom and my wife was doing it. Then something happened and I had to be alone at home for a few days. With no food and little money to spend on beer. So I started to cook stuff. Horrible stuff. You wouldn’t give it to your worst enemies. I stopped saying “I can’t” and started to actually do something. Improve my skills. I learned to use basil. Then I mixed basil with thyme. After that, I replaced thyme with rosemary, rosemary with oregano, oregano with coriander, coriander with dill, dill with parsley (the last one was not creative. That was plain stupid.)

My advice? Create, improve, go crazy because in creativity sky is the limit! And parsley is its kryptonite. Don’t use it never ever. Never use parsley. Nor rucola.

Because these are vile weeds.

Marius Popcopywriter


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