Summertime, and the livin’ is easy…ish ☀️

Summer’s officially here and we thought we’d update you on the Heraldist status for June. We’ve even made a checklist:

Back to normal: (sort of) ✔️
Summer weather: (sort of) ✔️
Hugging each other: (sort of) ✔️
Back to the office: (sort of) ✔️

Our June was packed with all sorts of new and exciting events. We got to sit at our desks again, we saw each other without a screen, we chilled in our garden and played with the office dog. But even as we are adjusting to this ‘new’ way of life, one thing never changed: the fact that we worked our butts off. And we’re really excited to share with you some great work and projects we’ve been working on. As soon as they’re ready. So keep an eye out for July!

In the meantime, we hope you’re doing well, working hard and enjoying life a bit more. Just like we are! *writes this while basking in the sun in the office garden*


Who? How? Where? What?


May we say something?