May we say something?

If there’s one thing we learned in these past few months is that the human spirit will prevail (and also that time doesn’t actually mean anything 🤯 ). But even though these last three months seemed like one ambiguous month of Marprilay, we still carried on being creative and innovative, working towards the moment when things will go back to normal.

One way we kept our creative brains busy in (what is traditionally called) May is with the Happy Tails adoption campaign in which we looked to remind people of why it’s so great to have a four legged pal. A companion through dark times, a chat buddy that will always listen, the reason to go out… dogs are just great. 🐾

This past month we’ve also been testing out the waters in Berlin where we’re planning to open a new office at some point in the (‘back to normal’) future. Inspired by the amazing creative scene there and the great people we’ve already spoken to, we’re planning, chatting and setting the foundation for what will be a new Heraldist office. And we know it’s going to be great. Wir können nicht warten! 🥨


And like these things weren’t enough for a month that felt like it was on standby, we also launched a new Heraldist tool. Helping brands understand their role and purpose quick and easy (and free), this tool was developed by our amazing strategists, so if you want to find out if your brand is a Legend, Pioneer, Challenger or a Follower, click the button below. Find your Brandscore™ here.

All in all, this May wasn’t too bad if you come to think of it. We’ve worked just as hard, even if from home. We’ve discovered you don’t really need a desk to work. We’ve baked a lot of goodies that we wish we could’ve shared. We’ve shared, however, our screens with many faces. We’ve made our dogs Branch Managers. We’ve stared out through many windows. Still, we really do miss the office (even more now that it’s peak BBQ weather). Until it’s safe to do so though, we’ll be still chugging away from our individual homes, apart, but together. Counting down the days!


Summertime, and the livin’ is easy…ish ☀️


Hello! Is it May you’re looking for?