Hello! Is it May you’re looking for?

A month that feels like it has and hasn’t really happened at the same time, technically an all inclusive holiday that no one really asked for. But the fact that the world almost stopped, doesn’t mean we did too. 

Our creative minds kept on churning and working on making beautiful things such as the recent “We have a love to give” campaign for Fundatia Regala Margareta a Romaniei (The Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation) in support of the elderly at risk from the pandemic, and social media creative ideas for Untold Nation’s initiative UNITED.

And great things like the campaign for Confederatia Patronala Concordia, to bring hope and encouragement to people at a time when those two things are the last on anyone’s mind.

And because you can never have too much of a good thing, we also launched the beautiful work of our Art Director Ruth Enyedi: Stay at home. Featured on Adsoftheworld and adeevee, the beautiful and serene ads center around the idea of home and what that means for each and every one of us – an exploration of what feeling safe is, as seen from the outside in.

Lastly, April saw the birth of 3 new Heraldist services (could we come up with any more great things?), services that are not only adapted to the new times, but also come as a helping hand at a time when things don’t go so smoothly (and we’re not only talking about a global crisis here). Find out more about them here and here and here.

April’s over, and we can’t wait to get back into the office. Life can be a strange thing. Sometimes. But with creativity and great people around us, we can make it into a beautiful thing. Always.


May we say something?


Stay safe, stay creative