Stay safe, stay creative

When times are getting hard, our biggest strength as human beings is the ability to adapt. And, to be honest, we’ve adapted quite quickly to working in our pyjamas.


Listening to the official recommendation (and to common sense) everybody here at Heraldist is now working from home, keeping a safe distance from other people as well as from the emails that claim to hold the secret to getting rich fast.

And, while we might not physically be in the office, our minds never stop working. Because now, more than ever, we know how important crisis mitigation, communication and planning can be for a brand in order for it to do more than just survive these tricky times.

And, while we might not physically be in the office, our minds never stop working. Because now, more than ever, we know how important crisis mitigation, communication and planning can be for a brand in order for it to do more than just survive these tricky times. So don’t let yourself and your business get overwhelmed. Take charge of the situation and carry on moving forward. And if there’s anything we can do to help, just give us a shoutOr an email, or a phone call, or a video ping, or a WhatsApp message, or… anything digital, we are around.

Speaking of forward… To keep us going through these testing times, we’ve turned to one of the things that has always been there for us: music. We’ve compiled a playlist of some of the best feel good songs that give us hope. And we hope they do the same for you. So don’t skip forward. Move forward. With some sweet jams.

While we’re on the subject of music, our lovely friends at Electric Castle launched a challenge to bring a bit of that karaoke joy even if we’re all stuck in our homes. Inspired by them, we’ve made our own version of a song we really like. Working from home might be messy and out of sync, just like this song, but we can all do our best and Let It Be. 😀

Stay safe, stay creative, and let’s kick this crisis in the proverbial butt!


Hello! Is it May you’re looking for?


Heraldist + Creative Work = Love