Heraldist + Creative Work = Love

Has it even BEEN February if you haven’t heard the word ‘love’ mentioned at least a million times? Luckily, we were too busy doing what we love to even notice 👀

We built a new identity for Appnomic Systems’ product – *HEAL. This is our amazing client from San Francisco who’s doing the industry’s first self-healing software for enterprises. We came up with the name, the look, the feel and the tone of voice for a company that saw the future and turned it into the present (because that’s the kind of companies we love working with). We re-designed the website, provided content and created a presentation video that embodies the spirit of a product living way beyond the 21st century. And we loved how it turned out. Take a peek below.

What else do you think about when you think about the month of love? Well, Perception Engineering methodology, of course. A product of Heraldist, a unique approach that takes science, and uses it to give businesses the unfair advantage. It makes communication efficient, it makes it memorable, it makes it good. Find out more about how this approach can fundamentally change the way your business communicates here.


The ’Love’ word count for February after this post probably?
A million times and, now, 7. 💌

Ok. Now, 8. 💌

We’ll stop now and wait for March to come, so we don’t get to wrapped up in this love thing.
OK. Now, 9. 💌

Bring on March already!


Stay safe, stay creative


New year, same (creative) bunch