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Revolut: Strategic Brand Consultancy




London, UK



Strategy, Startup


Revolut is the leading fintech company in Europe. The British unicorn registered a fabulous growth in the last couple of years, reaching 12 million users.

Heraldist & Wondermarks was invited to help the London-based global marketing team learn how to use archetypal brand strategy.


Heraldist & Wondermarks developed a unique brand strategy methodology, built around the concept of “Perception Engineering”, and “Archetypal Strategies”, based on Carl Jung’s approach to storytelling.


Heraldist & Wondermarks helped more than 40 companies in Europe and US to find their true strategic identity, and build a solid foundation for the future of the brand.

⬆ The new Appnomic brand identity
⬆ The Archetypal Strategies map. The process of selecting the brand archetype and building the brand strategy for the next 5 years, takes approximately 9 weeks, and it starts with an in-depth Brand Audit, that scans the category, customers and compe…

⬆ The Archetypal Strategies map. The process of selecting the brand archetype and building the brand strategy for the next 5 years, takes approximately 9 weeks, and it starts with an in-depth Brand Audit, that scans the category, customers and competitors, as well as the communication of the brand, and goes deeper into searching the ‘soul’ of the company and what makes it unique.

⬆ The Brand Strategy mind map. 10 brand strategy tools are used in developing the foundation of the brand

⬆ The Brand Strategy mind map. 10 brand strategy tools are used in developing the foundation of the brand

⬆ The Perception Engineering is a unique methodology developed by the strategists at Heraldist San Francisco and Europe. It helps companies manage their perception in a structured and holistic way

⬆ The Perception Engineering is a unique methodology developed by the strategists at Heraldist San Francisco and Europe. It helps companies manage their perception in a structured and holistic way