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Alphablock: Predict the future




Toronto, ON



Strategy, Branding, UI/UX, Startup


Canadian blockchain startup Alphablock is on the verge of creating a revolutionary product for stock exchange predictions.

The innovative algorithms created by founder Mukul Pal, help brokers predict the evolution of the stock market, with a level of accuracy superior to S&P500.

Heraldist & Wondermarks was invited to create the visual identity for this project.


A company is smart only if its customers perceive it as such. And that’s where we come in.

The unique symbol created by our designers give the viewer the feeling that Alphablock is technology from the future; because it is technology from the future, and it will change our future.


The new brand identity features a powerful color palette and a font that adds an interesting edge to the name.

⬆ The new Appnomic brand identity

“Impressive credentials and an engagement strategy with startups. End users were amazed by the re-branding, design, and digital strategy of Heraldist & Wondermarks. Their top-notch personnel made it all possible through their ingenuity and strategic thinking”

— Mukul Pal, CMO | Alphablock (Toronto, ON)