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Sebastian Hann by Heraldist: Brand Creation
Branding, Packaging Design, Startup, Heraldist Brands
Sebastian Hann is a brand created and incubated by Heraldist. The brand aims to be a curator and co-creator of amazing objects, made by artisans and artists from all over the world.
Sebastian Hann is the name of an important goldsmith who lived in the Austrian Empire in the 16th century.
The big idea behind the brand is a brand that collects objects and experiences that take your senses to a whole different level. Some of them are limited series, some of them are handmade, but all of them offer a feast for your senses.
The branding and packaging aim to create a new kind of luxury. Not the one that is exceptional because it costs a lot of money but ‘the new luxury’, that brings to its clients exceptional people made by exceptional artists & artisans.