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Signals App by SEO Monitor: So Great, It’s Unfair
Campaign, Strategy, Presentation Video, Video Production, Startup
SEO is all about numbers. And some words. But mostly numbers. It’s also about being fast. Definitely about being fast. Why? Because in today’s world you have to be the first to be, well, first.
Signals is the app that makes SEO data available to its users so fast it’s basically unfair to everyone else. Unlike other SEO tools on the global market, Signals is a mobile app so simple, and so intuitive, that making decisions that lead to a successful SEO campaign will be so much easier.
Our strategists were digging into insights about the users of the product, when they realized something that became the starting point of this campaign: SEO experts have a very stressful life; it’s pretty similar to being a broker in a stock exchange: a SEO expert’s client can make a lot of money or lose a lot of money if their keywords are indexed better by Google.
But if you want to win, you need to make decisions fast. And that’s not always easy with SEO tools that flood you with tons of data that you need to spend days processing.
Signals by SEO Monitor, was the opposite of that. While all the other players on the SEO tools market were insisting on the quantity of data they can provide, Signals was using AI to process data and give you simple, actionable advice.
Signals was the perfect tool. So good, it was unfair to other SEO experts using old SEO technologies.
We created a cheeky video about what it means to (always) win. Unlike the American movies, where the underdog always wins, in real life, if you’ve got access to the right tools, the winner will keep winning and the losers will keep losing.
The video created by Heraldist & Wondermarks was very well received by SEO specialists at the most important SEO conferences in the world, so we must’ve done something right.