Busy time ahead – just the way we like it

If last time we were visiting our San Francisco office in search of avocados and new business, this month we’re in our Geneva office, researching if chocolate and business mix. Until now, results are pointing towards a resounding ‘yes’. But we’ll have to try a couple more bars of chocolate to be 100% sure. 

 🍫 + Heraldist = ️❤️

Also, in case you forgot, St. Brendan’s Marketing Strategy Masterclass is steadily approaching. Mihai Bonca, strategic brainiac extraordinaire, is all set and ready to go, waiting to teach you about all the things behind the world of branding. Are you ready too?


Lastly, because everything we do here at Heraldist we do for a reason, we were thinking of starting a discussion about brand strategy, and its importance: introducing The Importance of Brand Strategy series, showing the truth behind branding myths. 

If, for example, you thought we are ‘the masters of our domain’ when it comes to making decisions, you should probably stay tuned for our next myth busting newsletter. Why? Because the truth of the matter is, we’ve made up our minds before we even know it. Science says so, and science is (almost) never wrong. So if it takes milliseconds for us to make a decision, make sure you ‘take your time’ to make a good one and read our next newsletter. 

All in all, spring came and is almost gone. With plenty of fun and cool projects, it looks like we’ve got a busy time ahead. Just the way we like it. 


A cool thing for hot weather 👇


Cool things we’ve been doing