The H&W News: Spooky Edition

It’s that time of the year again when everything is just a bit more spooky. And while there are plenty of actual scary stuff out there, the only scary thing in the Heraldist mansion is how much we love doing what we do. And maybe the ghost. 👻

Apart from general ghost managing duties, this month saw us apply the finishing touches to the new Transylvania Beyond website which is now live. With a modern design and plenty of useful information, we aimed to create something that does justice to the beauty and potential of the Transylvanian region. And we think we aimed right. Visit the new website to discover more about the place everyone finds it easy to fall in love with. 

October also saw our new work for Bioclinica come to life with a suite of wholesome ads created to remind people about how a good thing can be an easy thing when there are people there to help you. Working on everything from creative proposition to script to production, we took a sterile environment and made it human.

And since we’re on the subject of people, we’re going to mention our latest work for The Foreign Investors Council which has them at the heart. Because we think Romania’s potential lies in its people, we created something that revolves around them, something that focuses on the things we have rather than on everything we don’t.

With Halloween out of the way now, we’ve probably got green light to George Michaels’ ‘Last Christmas’ and Hrusca’s, well, everything. But before we get carried away by the sea of Black Friday offers, gifts and Fuego jokes, let’s remember what matters: people. The video below says it best.


2 days until cheesy songs season


Wake us up when September ends