Will Awdry's Masterclass in Copywriting | Heraldist St.Brendan Creative School


If you’re a copywriter with up to 5 years of experience, who dreams of becoming a world-class copywriter, or you simply want to master the art of creative writing, Will Awdry's Masterclass in Copywriting is for you.

Train with a legendary copywriter

For the last 20 years, Will has been coordinating the copywriting masterclass for the prestigious British creative institution D&AD. He is the former creative director of the legendary British agencies DDB London, Ogilvy London, and BBH London and the global ECD for one of the most iconic campaigns in the history of advertising – Dove Real Beauty.

10 Interactive Masterclass Sessions

This is a series of 10 online, live sessions with British advertising legend, Will Awdry. Each session is 1-hour long and takes place weekly or every couple of weeks. For a limited period of time, Heraldist St. Brendan offers a 50% discount. The price per session is only €29⁹⁹, instead of the regular €60 price/session. Less than 20 seats left – buy your ticket now!


Foggy mornings with Zorán Zeerowski, Heraldist’s first Art Director


If you don't have to sacrifice anything to live by your value, that's not your value