Marching into Spring: the Heraldist way

Now that we got that March pun out of our system, let’s chat about how the 3rd month of the year has been for us. Apart from the occasional bouts of allergy (thanks, pollen!), we’ve been just as busy as the bees that have started buzzing all around 🐝🐝🐝

This month we’ve launched a new campaign for our DYFashion client. They built an e-commerce site that is run by Romanians and promotes Romanian fashion, which we think is pretty cool. So we helped them create a campaign that encourages Romanian women to embrace their femininity and realise that great fashion exists right in their ‘back yard’. We came up with the strategy, a lovely ad, and we created the visual identity for this inclusive, empowering and beautiful piece of work.

March has also seen us marching into new territories (NOW we really got that pun out of our system). We went where a lot of the world’s best ideas (and one bad one, but we don’t judge) reside: London. Managed by our UK resident, beloved Heraldist brotherhood member and all around great guy, S-P O’Mahony will lead our office in this the #1 start-up ecosystem in Europe. Only makes sense. We are the start-up agency after all. London comes at us with start-up ideas and we turn them into global brands. And we’re very much excited!


On a final note, we also want to mention how a campaign that we launched at the beginning of the pandemic has now, a year later, come full circle. Our campaign for The Margareta of Romania Royal Foundation was launched last year to help older people during the most trying of times. This year we got a report stating how much help the elderly actually got as a result. And it’s a lot: 17,684 phone calls with seniors, 9,061 seniors helped, 3,827 unique callers to the Elderly Helpline. It’s been a tough year and we’re happy we were part of an initiative that helped make it easier for some.

This was a lovely month and we’re, as always, optimistic about what’s to come. We’re going to try our best to make it good.


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