The Startup OS

As a Startup Agency we are always helping entrepreneurs develop their ideas and brands in a way that sets them apart in this highly competitive and forever changing market. Which is why the definition of value proposition became one of the most valuable services in the Agency. This is the key to getting an idea off the ground and into the hearts and minds of the customer.

Luckily, if you’re working with great minds (our clients) the process is very smooth.

First we’ll ask you some (tonnes of, actually) questions: Who are your customers?, What’s your company all about?, What context does your company operate in?, Are you the smooth or crunchy peanut butter type? We’ll have a couple of calls to really nail down what makes your company special. That will help us define that value proposition that will keep your startup on track to becoming a solid, unique presence on the market.

Once we have that, we will work closely with you to help develop a sexy, concise, and on point, pitch deck presentation, a go to market strategy, a brand identity or some crazy creative ideas to be seen out there. Everything is rooted in the strategy.


Only in the last year, we worked with startups from the USA, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Norway, Romania and India. So we must be doing something right.

Speaking of doing something right… This month we finished working on a great project with our client, Ligl, who operates in the legal tech industry and provides digital litigation solutions for big enterprises.

Sounds complicated (and it is!), but we’ve made the legal world accessible by talking about it in human terms, while still making sure to convey the complexity of the product through both language and visual identity. We’ve worked on everything from brand positioning to naming to brand identity.

Heraldist just made it on the Top 20 San Francisco Branding Agency list


A Spanish Fintech, a Boston Investor and a Global Start-Up Agency partnership. What happens?