Another month, another Heraldist update

How come it’s already August we don’t really know. Sometimes it feels like it has been the longest year in the history of years. And sometimes it’s like we blinked in March and now it’s somehow September. But no matter how we felt the year went, the thing that always kept us grounded was the great projects we’ve been working on.

One of them was the rebranding of BLITZ. A player on the housing market, with 10 years of experience, we helped the brand build a strong yet clear presence to cut through the sea of similar companies. You can check it out (and maybe consider moving to Cluj-Napoca) here.


This month has also seen the launch of our new ad for Elis Pavaje. We came up with a really fun idea, shot some really cool or perhaps hot shots, and in the end made a really fun ad about concrete paving tiles. Which is NOT an easy feat. Have a look-see below.

And because we never stop exploring ways to help our clients, we’ve launched Heraldist OMC  the Outsourced Marketing Communication service that pairs clients with our very own (and very experienced) brand consultant Dana Banciu. Having worked in many renowned companies, from Coca-Cola Hellenic to Colgate-Palmolive and Boehringer Ingelheim, Dana can offer the help clients need to build and manage their brand so they can focus on running the business in the best way possible without having to hire a whole new person for that. It’s a smart solution fit for these fast moving, smart times. It’s how we roll. 


Click here and find what word rhymes with September


Who? How? Where? What?